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ホーム > アルバム > 0077774991155 ヴォーン・ウィリアムズ:交響曲第1番「海の交響曲」(ロット/サマーズ/ロンドン・フィル/ハイティンク)
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, R.: Symphony No. 1, "A Sea Symphony" (Lott, Summers, Haitink)
Symphony No. 1, "A Sea Symphony"
I. Song for all Seas, all Ships: Behold, the sea itself
I. Song for all Seas, all Ships: Today a rude brief recitative
I. Song for all Seas, all Ships: Flaunt out, O sea, your separate flags of nations!
I. Song for all Seas, all Ships: Token of all brave captains
I. Song for all Seas, all Ships: A pennant universal
II. On the Beach at Night, alone: On the beach at night, alone
II. On the Beach at Night, alone: A vast similitude interlocks all
III. Scherzo: The Waves
IV. The Explorers: O vast Rondure, swimming in Space
IV. The Explorers: Down from the gardens of Asia descending
IV. The Explorers: O we can wait no longer
IV. The Explorers: O thou transcendent
IV. The Explorers: Greater than stars or sun
IV. The Explorers: Sail forth
IV. The Explorers: O my brave Soul!