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Icon: Boris Christoff
Gde ti, zvezdochka? (Where art thou, little star?)
Otchego, skazhi (Tell me why)
Mnogo yest' u menya teremov i sadov (I have many palaces and gardens)
Chto vam slova lyubvi? (What are Words of Love to You)
Pesn' startsa: stanu skromno u poroga (Old Man's Song)
Duyut vetri, vetri buyniye (The winds blow, the wild winds)
Noch' (Night)
Kalistratushka (Little Kalistrat)
Salammbo, Act I: Song of the Balearic Islander
Molitva (Prayer)
Malyutka: akh, zachem tvoy glazki poroyu? (Dear one, why are thine eyes sometimes so cold?)
Zhelaniye (Longing)
Gopak (Hopak)
Svetik Savishna (Darling Savishna)
Seminarist (The Seminarist)
Yevreyskaya pesnya (Hebrew Song)
Strekotun'ya beloboka (The Magpie)
Pirushka (The Feast)
Ozornik (Mischief)
Po nad Donom sad tsvetyot (A garden blooms by the Don)
Klassik (The Classicist)
Sirotka (The Orphan)
Detskaya pesenka (Child's Song)
Detskaya (The Nursery)
Kolibel'naya Eryomushki (Eremushka's Lullaby)
Rayok (The Gallery)
Vechernyaya pesenka (Evening Song)
Zabitiy (Forgotten)
Bez solntsa (Sunless)
Pesni i plyaski smerti (Songs and Dances of Death)
Nadgrabnoye pis'mo (Epitaph)
Neponyatnaya (The Misunderstood One)
Ne bozhim gromom udarilo (Not like thunder, trouble struck)
Gornimi tikho letela dusha nebesami (Softly the spirit flew up to heaven)
Oy, chest' li to molodtsu len pryasti? (Is spinning man's work?)
Rassevayetsya, rasstupayetsya (It scatters and breaks)
Videniye (The Vision)
Spes (Pride)
Strannik (The Wanderer)
Pesnya Mefistofelya v pogrebke Auerbakha (Mephistopheles's Song in Auerbach's Cellar), "Song of the Flea"
Nochnoy smotr (The Night Review)
Proshchaniye s Peterburgom (A Farewell to St. Petersburg): No. 5. Kolibel'naya pesnya (Cradle Song) (version for voice, cello and piano)
Proshchaniye s Peterburgom (A Farewell to St. Petersburg): No. 10. Zhavoronok (The Lark)
Akh ti, dushechka, krasna devitsa (Ah, my sweetheart, thou art a beautiful maiden)
Ne govori, chto serdtsu bol'no (Say not that it grieves the heart)
Proshchaniye s Peterburgom (A Farewell to St. Petersburg): No. 2. Yevreyskaya pesnya (Knyaz' Kholmsky) (Hebrew Song)
Ne iskushay menya bez nuzhdi (Do not tempt me needlessly) (arr. for voice, cello and piano)
Ya pomnyu chudnoye mgnoven'ye (I recall a wonderful moment)
Pesnya tyomnogo lesa (Song of the Dark Forest)
Iz slyoz moikh (From my Tears)
Spyashchaya knyazhna (The Sleeping Princess)
Arabskaya melodiya (Arabian Melody)
Fal'shivaya nota (The False Note)
Slushayte, podruzhen'ki, pesenku moyu (Listen to My Song, Little Friend)
Spes' (Pride)
Dlya beregov otchizni dal'noy (For the Shores of thy Far Native Land)
More (The Sea)
Chto ti rano, zoren'ka (Why Art Thou so Early, Dawn?)
Otravoy polni moi pesni (My Songs are Filled with Poison)
5 Melodies, Op. 54: 5. Ici bas
25 Poems, Op. 57: No. 25. Desire
25 Poems, Op. 57: No. 17. Tsarskoselskaya statuya (The statue at Tsarskoye Selo)
10 Songs (1904): No. 8. (Pesnya: Zholtiy list) (Song: The yellow leaf trembles)
10 Songs (1904): No. 3. Bezzvezdnaya polnoch' (Starless midnight coldly breathed)
10 Songs (1904): No. 4. 7 noyabrya (7th November)
Zarya (Dawn)
10 Songs (1904) (excerpts)
4 Songs, Op. 3 (excerpts)
4 Songs, Op. 4 (excerpts)
4 Songs, Op. 7: No. 2. Hebrew Song
4 Songs, Op. 40 (excerpts)
2 Songs, Op. 49 (version for voice and orchestra)
5 Songs, Op. 51 (excerpts)
6 Romances, Op. 38: No. 1. Serenada Don Zhuana (Don Juan's Serenade)
12 Romances, Op. 60: No. 12. Nam zvyozdi krotkiye siyali (The mild stars shone for us)
16 Songs for Children, Op. 54: No. 16. Detskaya pesenka (Children's Song)
12 Romances, Op. 60: No. 9. Noch' (Night)
6 Romances, Op. 16: No. 1. Kolibel'naya pesnya (Cradle Song)
6 Romances, Op. 73: No. 2. Noch' (Night)
6 Romances, Op. 57: No. 3. Ne sprashivay (Do not Ask)
6 Romances, Op. 25: No. 6. Kak naladili: Durak (They said: You fool, do not go)
6 Romances, Op. 27: No. 1. Na son gryadushchiy (At Bedtime)
6 Melodies, Op. 65: No. 2. Deception
6 Romances, Op. 25: No. 4. Kanareyka (Canary)
6 Romances, Op. 6: No. 6. Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt (None but the Lonely Heart)
6 Romances, Op. 73: No. 6. Snova, kak prezhde, odin (Again, as Before, Alone)
12 Songs, Op. 21 (excerpts)
No. 1. Sud'ba (Fate)
No. 7. Zdes' khorosho (How Fair this Spot)
15 Songs, Op. 26 (excerpts)
No. 13. Vchera my vstretilis' (When Yesterday We Met)
No. 2. Vsyo otnyal u menya (Vengeful God has taken everything)
6 Songs, Op. 4: No. 2. Utro (Morning)
No. 15. Prokhodit vsyo (All Things Pass By)
No. 8. Poshchady ya molyu! (I Beg for Mercy!)
No. 6. Khristos voskres (Christ is Risen)
12 Songs, Op. 21: No. 6. Otrivok iz A. Myusse (Fragment from A. Musset)
6 Songs, Op. 4: No. 4. Ne poy, krasavitsa, pri mne (Sing not to me, beautiful maiden)
No. 5. Son (The Dream)
No. 4. Polyubila ya na pechal' svoyu (I have Grown Fond of Sorrow)
6 Songs, Op. 4 (excerpts)
No. 5. Uzh ty, niva moya (Oh Thou, My Field)
No. 1. O nyet, molyu, ne ukhodi! (Oh no, I beg you, do not leave)
12 Songs, Op. 14: No. 6. Tebya tak lyubyat vse (Everyone loves you so)
15 Songs, Op. 26: No. 12. Noch' pechal'na (Night is Mournful)
Bandoura (arr. F. Potorzhinski)
Boris Godunov
Khovanshchina, Act V: Dositheus' Aria: Here on this spot
Laulu kirpusta (Pesnya Mefistofelya v pogrebke Auerbakha) (Mephistopheles's Song in Auerbach's Cellar), "Song of the Flea"
Prince Igor (Knyaz Igor)
Sadko: Song of the Viking Guest
Eugene Onegin, Op. 24, Act III: Lyubvi fse vozrasti pokorni, "Prince Gremin's Aria"
Eh, Ukhnyem (Song of the Volga Boatmen)
Siberian prisoner's song
Don Giovanni, K. 527, Act I: Aria: Madamina, il catalogo e questo
La sonnambula, Act I: Il mulino! … Vi ravviso, o luoghi ameni
Simon Boccanegra, Prologue: A te l'estremo addio - Il lacerato spirito
Don Carlo, Act III: Ella giammai m'amo! - Dormiro sol nel manto mio regal
Faust (excerpts)