有料の会員登録を行うと 収録されているすべての楽曲が ノーカットで聴き放題!
ホーム > アルバム > 8.503109 世界のクリスマス・キャロル集
Christmas Carols From Around the World
Stille Nacht (Silent Night) (arr. H. Miessner)
Ave Maria
There Is No Rose
Once In Royal David's City
Away In a Manger (arr. Donald Hunt)
In dulci jubilo (arr. R. L. Pearsall)
Coventry Carol
The First Nowell (arr. D. Willcocks for choir and organ)
Gabriel's message (arr. D. Willcocks)
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (arr. D. Willcocks)
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (arr. D. Willcocks)
The Holly and the Ivy (arr. H. Walford Davies)
Angels from the Realms of Glory (arr. D. Willcocks)
Quelle est cette odeur agreable (arr. D. Willcocks)
Adam lay y-bounden
I saw a maiden (arr. E. Pettman)
The Little Road To Bethlehem
The Huron Carol (arr. R. Anderson)
O Come All Ye Faithful (arr. D. Willcocks)
In the Bleak Midwinter
The Three Kings
King Jesus hath a Garden
Ding Dong Merrily on High (arr. D. Willcocks)
Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
Star in the South (arr. M. Sargent)
Festgesang, MWV D4, "Gutenberg-Kantate": No. 2. (adap. W.H. Cummings as Hark! The Herald Angels Sing) (arr. N. Edison)
Velkommen igen Guds engle sma
Mit hjerte altid vanker (My heart always wanders) (arr. P. Hindemith)
Barn Jesus i en krybbe la
Bereden vag for Herran
Glans over sjo och strand (Shine over lake and shore)
Jul, jul, stralande jul
Det lyser i stille grender
Mitt hjerte alltid vanker (arr. S. Tveit)
Et barn er fodt i Betlehem
Kun Joulu on
Kautta tyynen, vienon yon (arr. Pertti Puhakka)
Arkihuolesi kaikki heita (arr. I. Riihimaki)
En etsi valtaa, loistoa
A Hymn to the Virgin
What sweeter music
God Is with Us