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ホーム > アルバム > 8.555845 ロドリーゴ:管弦楽作品全集 10 - 歌曲とマドリガーレ集(アストゥーリアス響/ヴァルデス)
RODRIGO: Songs and Madrigals (Complete Orchestral Works, Vol. 10)
4 Madrigales amatorios (4 Madrigals of Love)
No. 1. Con que la lavare? (With what shall I bathe?)
No. 2. Vos me matasteis (You have slain me)
No. 3. De donde venis, amore? (Where have you been, my love?)
No. 4. De los alamos vengo, madre (I come from the poplars, Mother)
Cantos de amor y de guerra (Songs of Love and War)
No. 1. Paseabase el rey moro (The Moorish king passed by)
No. 2. A las armas moriscotes! (To arms, Moriscotes!)
No. 3. Ay, luna que reluces! (Oh, moon that shines!)
No. 4. Sobre Baza estaba el Rey (The king was nearing Baza)
No. 5. Pastorcico, tu que has vuelto (Shepherd boy, you have returned)
Triptic de Mossen Cinto (Triptych of Mossen Cinto)
I. L'harpa sagrada (The Sacred Harp)
II. Lo violi de Sant Francesc (The Violin of St Francis of Assisi)
III. Sant Francesc i la cigala (St Francis and the Cicada)
Romance del Comendador de Ocana (Ballad of the Knight Commander of Ocena)
4 cancons en llengua catalana
No. 1. Canco del Teuladi (Song of the Sparrow)
No. 2. Canticel (Song)
No. 3. L'inquietut primaveral de la donzella (The Anxious Springtime of the Maiden)
No. 4. Brollador gentil (Gentle Fountain)
I. Cantart' ei, Galicia (I sing to you, Galicia)
II. Por que? (Why?)
III. Adios rios, adios fontes (Farewell rivers, farewell mountains)
IV. Vamos bebendo! (Let us go drinking!)
Cantico de la esposa (Song of the Bride)