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ホーム > アルバム > BIS-CD-1918-20 シベリウス・エディション 7 - 歌曲集
SIBELIUS, J.: Sibelius Edition, Vol. 7 - Songs
Serenad, JS 167 (version for voice and piano)
Medan nordanvinden gnyr (While the North Wind Roars)
Nacken (The Watersprite), JS 138
Da varldar annu skapade ej voro, JS 56
En visa (A Song), JS 71
Solen slog himlen rod… (The Sun Reddened the Sky)
Orgier (Orgies), JS 143
Skogsraet (The Wood Nymph), JS 171
Hostkvall (Autumn Evening) (fragment)
Flickan gick en vintermogon (The Maiden Went One Winter Morning) (fragment)
Jag kysser dig ej (I Kiss You and Weary Not)
Lojet var utan hem (Wit Was Without a Home)
Likhet (Alikeness), JS 120
Den forsta kyssen (The First Kiss), JS 57
Tule, tule, kultani (Come, my Sweetheart), JS 211
7 Songs, Op. 13 (version for voice and piano)
7 Songs, Op. 17 (version for voice and piano)
Koskenlaskijan morsiamet (The Rapid-Rider's Brides), Op. 33 (version for voice and piano)
Kung Kristian II (King Christian II), Op. 27: No. 4. Sangen om korsspindeln (Fool's Song of the Spider) (version for voice and piano)
Segelfahrt (Sailing), JS 166
Souda, souda, sinisorsa (Row, row, duck), JS 180
Andantino in E-Flat Major, JS 42 (preliminary version of Sav, sav, susa, Op. 36, No. 4)
6 Songs, Op. 36 (version for voice and piano)
5 Songs, Op. 37 (version for voice and piano)
Jag ville, jag vore i Indialand (I wish I were in India) (alternative version)
5 Songs, Op. 38 (version for voice and piano)
Pelleas and Melisande. JS 147: No. 6. The 3 Blind Sisters (version for voice and piano)
6 Songs, Op. 50
Erloschen (Extinguished), JS 73
2 Songs, Op. 35
Vanskapens blomma (The Flower of Friendship), JS 215 (preliminary version)
8 Songs, Op. 57 (version for voice and piano)
Twelfth Night, Op. 60 (version for voice and piano)
8 Songs, Op. 61 (version for voice and piano)
Arioso, Op. 3 (version for voice and piano)
5 Christmas Songs, Op. 1 (version for voice and piano)
Luonnotar, Op. 70 (version for voice and piano)
6 Songs, Op. 72 (version for voice and piano) (excerpts)
Tanken (The Thought), JS 192
6 Songs, Op. 86
6 Songs, Op. 88
6 Songs, Op. 90
Kullervo, Op. 7: Kullervon valitus (Kullervo's Lament) (version for voice and piano)
Mummon syntymapaivana (Birthday Song to Grandmother), JS 136
Autrefois, Op. 96b (version for 2 voices and piano)
Sma flickorna (Little Girls), JS 174
Narciss (Narcissus), JS 140
Siltavahti (The Bridge Guard), JS 170b (version for voice and piano)
Belshazzar's Feast, JS 48: No. 2b. The Jewish Girl's Song (version for voice and piano, "Solitude")
Hymn to Thais, the Unforgettable, JS 97
Serenad, JS 167 (preliminary version)
7 Songs, Op. 13 (preliminary versions) (excerpts)
Kullervo, Op. 7: Kullervon Wehruf (Kullervo's Lament) (first version) (version for voice and piano)
7 Songs, Op. 17 (early draft copies) (excerpts)
Soluppgang (Sunrise), JS 87 (preliminary version)
Belshazzar's Feast, JS 48: No. 2b. The Jewish Girl's Song (first version) (version for voice and piano)
6 Songs, Op. 72: No. 6. Hundra vagar (100 Ways) (preliminary version) (version for voice and piano)
2 Songs, Op. 35: No. 2. Teodora (preliminary version)
Hymn to Thais, the Unforgettable, JS 97 (first version)
Twelfth Night, Op. 60 (original version for voice and guitar)
8 Songs, Op. 61: No. 6. Dolce far niente (preliminary version) (version for voice and piano)
5 Christmas Songs, Op. 1: No. 5. On hanget korkeat (High are the snowdrifts) (version for 2 voices and piano)
Autrefois, Op. 96b: Pastorale (preliminary version) (arr. for 2 voices and piano)