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ホーム > アルバム > CD-138 パレストリーナ/メンデルスゾーン/グディメル:合唱作品集(ウェストミンスター合唱団)
Choral Concert: Westminster Choir - PALESTRINA, G.P. da / MENDELSSOHN, Felix / GOUDIMEL, C. (Like As A Hart - Psalms and Spiritual Songs)
Sicut cervus
Psalm 42, Op. 42: Wie der Hirsch schreit nach frischem Wasser
Like as the hart
Psalm 24, "La terre appartient a l'Eternel"
Vesperae solennes de confessore, K. 339: Laudate Dominum
Os justi, WAB 30
Psalm 67, "God be merciful unto us"
O Taste and See
My shepherd will supply my need
Notre Pere, Op. 14
Pater Noster
Pater noster (Otche nash', Our Father)
Te Deum in C Major
Draw us in the Spirit's tether
Elijah, Op. 70, Part I: Blessed are the men who fear Him
Let all the world in every corner sing