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ホーム > アルバム > IMLCD017 グリンカ/チャイコフスキー/ラフマニノフ:バスのための作品集(モロゾフ)
Vocal Recital (Bass): Morozov, Alexander - GLINKA, M.I. / TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I. / RACHMANINOV, S. (Classical Russian Romances)
Proshchaniye s Peterburgom (A Farewell to St. Petersburg) (excerpts)
12 Songs, Op. 21: No. 11. Ya ne prorok (No Prophet I)
Poetu (To the poet), Op. 45: No. 3. Oktava (Octave)
7 Romances, Op. 47: No. 5. I Bless you, Forests
6 Romances, Op. 38 (excerpts)
No. 3. Sred' shumnovo bala (Amid the Din of the Ball)
No. 1. Serenada Don-Zhuana (Don Juan's Serenade)
Titulyarniy sovetnik (Titular Councillor)
Svetskaya skazochka: kozyol (A Society Tale: The Goat)
Pesnya Mefistofelya v pogrebke Auerbakha (Mephistopheles's Song in Auerbach's Cellar), "Song of the Flea"
Don Zhuan (Don Juan), Op. 54
Somneniye (Doubt)
O, eli b mog vyrazit v zvuke (Oh, Could I in Song Tell My Sorrow)
6 Songs, Op. 4: No. 1. O net, molyu, ne ukhodi (Oh no, I beg you, forsake me not)
6 Songs, Op. 8: No. 5. Son
6 Romances, Op. 73: No. 6. Snova, kak prezhde, odin (Again, as Before, Alone)
2 Songs, Op. 49: No. 2. Prorok (The Prophet) (version for voice and piano)
Dlya beregov otchizni dal'noy (For the Shores of thy Far Native Land)