Born in Perpignan in 1953, Daniel Tosi was awarded six prizes at the Paris Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique, continuing his studies at the Sorbonne. With various degrees, he began teaching with triple activity as a composer, researcher and conductor. In 1983 he won the Prix de Rome which took him, until 1985, to the Villa Medici in Rome. In 1985 he was awarded the George Enescu Prize by SACEM and in 1986 the Foreign Ministry gave him the Villa Medici hors les Murs Peize, which allowed him to perform a work abroad. His chamber and symphonic compositions are played at various international festivals. Since 1989 he has served as director of the Conservatoire National de la Región Perpignan Méditerranée with 1400 students from the South of France up to Barcelona. In 1992 he founded the important Festival Aujourd’hui Musiques. He is a member of the administrative council of the Paris Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique, and was awarded the Vincent Scotto Prize by SACEM.