Founded in 1964 by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Coro Gulbenkian has a full symphonic formation of around a hundred singers, but can also appear as a smaller vocal ensemble. Besides its regular season in Lisbon and its national tours, Coro Gulbenkian has been frequently invited to collaborate with major international orchestras and conductors all over the world. Coro Gulbenkian has recorded extensively, performing a wide repertoire. Several of these releases have received international awards, including the Berlioz Prize of the French Académie Nationale du Disque Lyrique, the Grand Prix International du Disque of the Charles Cros Academy and the Orphée d’Or, amongst others. For the fiftieth anniversary of Portuguese composer Luís de Freitas Branco in 2005 Coro Gulbenkian recorded the first complete series of his Camões Madrigals. Michel Corboz has been the principal conductor of the Coro Gulbenkian since 1969 and Jorge Matta was recently appointed associate conductor.
Photo: Pedro Ferreira