The French harpist Marcel Tournier was a pupil of Alphonse Hasselmans at the Paris Conservatoire. One of the five sons of a Paris luthier, like his brothers he followed his father’s demand that all should learn a string instrument, entering the Conservatoire at the age of 16. He studied harmony, counterpoint and composition with Lenepvu, Caussade and Widor respectively, and won the second Prix de Rome in 1909. He succeeded Hasselmans as harp professor at the Conservatoire in 1912, continuing there until 1948 when he was succeeded by Lily Laskine.
Harp Music
Tournier’s compositions for the harp make a significant addition to the repertoire of the instrument, written in the musical language of his country and period. His impressionistic Vers la source dans le bois (‘Towards the fountain in the wood’) was written in 1922.